
People are mad at this magazine calling Kim K the First Lady but tbh she’s better than our actual First Lady, so….

It's also North's first cover ever!

In a (in my opinion) gorgeous new shoot for Interview Magazine, the cover line splash declared Kim Kardashian West "America's new First Lady" of America.

Despite the fact that it's obviously irreverent and more of a nod to her ubiquity than anything else, people (read: mostly Trump supporters) decided to get really, really mad about it. Do they do anything else?

Wow, these people are right. Can you imagine a world where a reality star was actually in the White House? I know. Totally ridiculous. Could never happen. Sad, really.

These photos, though, shot by Steven Klein, are my new phone backgrounds:

To borrow a turn of phrase, I am gaaaagging on the eleganzaaa. That's a political term, right?

I want a trendy baby! Where can I acquire a North of my own?

Actually, forget Kanye 2020. If Kim ran for office, she's got my vote. I mean, nowhere to go but up.