
Buckle in for a long fucking fall because pumpkin spice highlighter is now a thing

Free me from this prison

It feels like we all collectively work up in a good mood this morning. The wind was blowing, the air was dry, and it was as if we hadn’t spent the past three months drenched in an river of our own sweat.

Yeah, maybe we were a bit overambitious breaking out the leather, but it’s nice to show a bit less skin for a minute. #SummerBod2017 never came through for some of us, so we’re ready for layers. Long pants just feel safer, you know?

For a moment things were nice, and it didn’t feel entirely out of line ordering a hot coffee. But as most moments are, this one was fleeting, because do you know what else people have begun ordering? Pumpkin spice highlighter.

And don’t think I haven’t noticed the other names — rose gold and blushing bride. This set looks like a goddamn Prince Charming fever dream.

Most of us have been through the orange makeup phase and back. That bright line you see along your chin in every photo of you between the ages of fourteen and seventeen. We’ve grown, we’ve changed, we (sometimes) even take our makeup off before we sleep now.

Don’t let all of that go to waste. It’s time to leave the orange line where it belongs: In the past. Take a step with us into the future. You’ve grown so much.

Trust us, your skin, and love life, will thank you for it.