
While you’re living in 2017, girls on Twitter are charging their guys a ‘boyfriend tax’

Brb, charging my man right now

If you have a boyfriend, you know sometimes they can be annoying as fuck. They need constant attention, think 'fine' actually means 'fine,' and always order way too much food when it's your turn to pay.

In fact, boyfriends are so annoying, some forward-thinking bitches have started charging them a 'boyfriend tax' for all the trouble they cause.

It all started when this guy on Twitter asked why his girlfriend treated their relationship like a Netflix subscription

You want unlimited access? It's gonna be $7.

This girl was like, duh, it's the boyfriend tax

Apparently she'd been doing this forever

According to Twitter, charging for a relationship is the new thing

Time to hire an attorney

And it's not cheap

I'm worth at least the cost of 3 burrito bowls

Those of us who hadn't heard of the boyfriend tax before took notes

"Crazy idea. Bad idea. Let me grab my notebook real quick. How much did you charge?"

I decided to give it a shot

And I failed pretty miserably.

In 2017, anyone can be an entrepreneur – just ask Kimberly.

I salute your business smarts, even if my partner doesn't want to be my business partner. I'll just make sure he buys more dinners next month.