
The government just decided rapists will get to be treated ‘fairly’

Betsy DeVos wants them to get their due process

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced today that effective immediately the 2011 Dear Colleague Letter issued by the Office for Civil Rights would be withdrawn. In it's place, she has issued interim guidance for how schools should handle sexual assault on campus.

This is Secretary DeVos's latest move in her attempts to roll back Obama-era guidance for sexual assault on campuses. The issued guidance, which can be read here, is meant to be temporary until the department can find a more permanent solution that involves public input.

It stresses providing the same rights, information, and opportunities to both parties involved. There is no longer a timeline under which schools need to finish their investigations. Additionally, schools are no longer required to provide appeals. They are, however, still required to have a Title IX Coordinator.

Emily, a senior at the University of Tennessee, told babe that Title IX was the only protection she had on campus and now that protection is gone. "I'm really appalled with the sympathy and support DeVos has shown the accused on campus," she says.

"She clearly has no regard for the survivors who are trying to continue their education despite their trauma," Emily continued, explaining that to have her protection taken away from her by someone who is sympathetic to her rapist is "traumatizing."