
I have an exciting announcement: Pubes are back

Say goodbye to your waxer forever

Pubes. Are. Back.

While I believe that grooming is a personal preference, I have been brought into the light and shown that not only are pubes back but they never reallllyyy left. It was the sneaky, sneaky patriarchy that made us believe pubic hair was gross.

But it's not.

Back in June, Amber Rose posted a now deleted Instagram showing off her pretty pubes but it's still visible on her Twitter. Of her pubic hair, Amber Rose told Refinery 29, “I feel like as women, we always feel like we need to shave or wax — and if we don’t, then we’re considered unkempt or unclean or we’re gonna smell funny. I believe that it’s natural and we shouldn’t be ashamed of it.”

For a long time, there's been a sense of shame associated with pubic hair, particularly for young girls who are told by boys early on that female pubic hair is gross. Their ideology, of course, comes from the porn and magazines they consume where the female porn stars usually lack pubic hair.

But the days of pubic hair shame are gone. Female porn stars are now going more natural with their grooming and as the bush becomes more mainstream so too can the public preference for hair down there.

There are also a lot of studies out there about how men prefer their female partners to groom and I have a lot of questions. Number one: how dare you?

How a man "prefers" a woman is his own issue, not hers, and if he's not man enough to deal with a little body hair, which is natural btw, then he's not really a man at all and you should promptly show him the exit.

Ultimately, it's your body and it is up to you to decide what to do with it. If you like things bare, have at it. But if you've been conditioned to wax because of shame just know that you're body is beautiful and you shouldn't do anything you don't want to do because someone else doesn't like it.

The bush is back, baby. But then again, it never really left.