
Having a panic attack? Go to Pornhub. No, seriously

Pornhub users are woke as fuck

Porn is great. I don't know one person that doesn't enjoy porn. It has one purpose and one purpose only, right?

Well, turns out, maybe not. Pornhub is, quite possibly, the safest place on the internet and definitely proves that porn watchers are woke as fuck. Woke, and supportive as hell.

Recently, a few Pornhub users came together to support another member of their community when they posted a heartfelt and heartbreaking post detailing their current mental state.

Twitter user @Kxthleen tweeted the following:

The interactions show account holders having informed, supportive, and honest conversations surrounding mental health.

Who said Pornhub was just for MILFS and facials? And it's not like that's shitty advice that's actually… well… some pretty great and supportive advice from someone who's username is WalkerTexasNutter.

It's emblematic of 2017 when you can get better mental health help and advice from a porn website than you can from the government. WalkerTexasNutter for President 2020?

But Pornhub isn't just for mental health advice. It's also home to a world of pure hearted individuals with nothing but the greatest intentions. It's where true friendships are born.

Who says you can't come together while cumming together?