
This calculator tells you how long it takes the Kardashians to make your entire net worth

I suddenly have anxiety

Not to ruin your day, but Kim Kardashian is making a LOT more money than you. And while you were probably already aware of the crappy hand life has dealt you, what you may not realize is how much more she's making. Like how much.

Luckily, the staff over at Missy Empire is prepared to supply you with that very specific, dreadful number, because they've come up with their very own (real time) Kardashian calculator.

Not only can you watch their calculator ~calculate~ what certain members of the family are making in real time, you can also submit your yearly salary to find out how many mere hours it would take them to make the exact same thing.

For example, Kim Kardashian makes in 10 hours and 24 minutes what it would take someone with a 45K salary a year to make.

For Kylie it would take 1 day 4 hours, Kendall 1 day 7 hours, Khloe 1 day 12 hours, Kris 1 day 21 hours and poor Kourtney 2 days 4 hours.

Kim's hourly salary evens out to 5.8K versus Kourtney's 1.1K, and yearly, Kim makes 51 million dollars, and Kylie comes in second with 18 million.

The only thing I'm sure of anymore is that I didn't suffer from anxiety until this precise moment.