
These guys tried to prove they ‘respect women’, but we found their disgusting, sexist tweets!

We have aaall the receipts

By now you're familiar with the #MeToo hashtag, with which thousands of women have come forward about their experiences with sexual harassment and assault. And instead of men thinking, "Wow, that's horrible! How can I be better?", they did what they always do: deny, deny deny.

A new hashtag has popped up in the last 24 hours: #NotMe. Guys who share the #NotMe tag do it to show they "would never" harass, assault, mistreat or abuse women.

But the first rule of lying is to never deny it that hard lest you look obvious as fuck. Because not only did these guys want a pat on the back for not harassing and abusing women(?!!), but I did a little digging, and surprise!

They do harass women and talk about them in a terrible way!

Take this guy who Tweeted #NotMe in response to women speaking up

Who also thinks girls who like dancing are 'dirty sluts'

Can't stop staring at girls' asses

Or tits

And would rather date an 'ugly chick' than a 'pretty, boring' one

Or this guy

Who classifies women as either 'ugly bitches' or 'chicks with big boobs'

Or this guy

Who wants you to 'quit being a whore'

Thinks your tits look as 'fake as your mom's'

Thinks feminists are ugly

And that he'd rather fuck an ugly intern than Hillary Clinton

Just not 'ugly, gross Lizzy'

Or this guy

Who wants you to get a life, 'bitch'

Refers to the weather as a 'slut' that gets you wet

And thinks when a woman's skin is showing it's because we're 'seeking attention'

When a woman comes out with her experiences of abuse, you shut the hell up for one minute and listen. You also believe them.

Not because I wrote this piece saying you should, but because of the tens of thousands of date rapes that take place each year by men who probably sound a lot like you all.

Either way, maybe reconsider Tweeting #NotMe because you’re proud you never raped anyone. You're burnt, suckers.