
Ilana Glazer says she fired dudes on ’Broad City’ for sexual harassment

Dare I say yaaaaaaas kween?

Ilana Glazer opened up about her experiences with sexual harassment in an Instagram post on Wednesday in which she revealed that she fired men from hit TV show Broad City for sexual harassment.

Glazer also disclosed the fact that people actually questioned her decision to fire these men and asked her if she was sure about her choice. "YEAH I'M FUCKING SURE," the actress and comedian responded.

The offenders — a "sound guy" and a background actor, according to the post — were given the boot because, in Glazer's words, "getting sexually harassed seems to be a constant, but having the opportunity to do something is rare."

Glazer, who co-created Comedy Central show Broad City and stars in it alongside fellow co-creator Abbi Jacobson, also detailed other experiences with sexual harassment, from childhood well into an adulthood waiting tables and working as a showrunner. You can read the full post below:

Broad City has often been lauded for its honest portrayal of funny women, and it's incredible to see women in charge creating even more than honest, fucking hilarious television — they're also creating safer spaces for each other.