
Just LOOK at these terrible celebrity Wikipedia pictures

Oh Kylie, we’re so sorry

We've all taken shitty pictures before. Bad angle, not enough makeup, fat arm — it happens to the most photogenic of us, and by "the most photogenic of us," I mean celebrities.

It's a numbers game — celebrities are constantly being photographed, so odds are high that some of those pictures are going to be busted. But with the multitude of images floating around, you'd figure that celebs wouldn't have to sweat an unflattering shot or two.

But like a friend who refuses to let you untag yourself from that one picture where you totally have a double-chin, Wikipedia refuses to let some celebs forget about their bad pictures.

Here are some of the most disrespectful default images selected by the Wikimedia community to represent some people famous for being good-looking. Enjoy.

Emma Watson

Emma Watson looks like somebody just told her she sat in hot sauce before this picture was taken. Like, she totally knows there's hot sauce on the seat of her pants and she can't do anything about it because she's in public. And she totally loves these jeans. So she's smiling, but inside she's just thinking about the Cholula soaking into her beloved denim. Who the fuck leaves a burrito on a chair, anyway?!

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett Johansson is a gorgeous actor widely known as a sex symbol. So why does her Wikipedia picture make her look like your uncle's new girlfriend who comes to Thanksgiving dinner and tries to make you and your cousins think she's cool by showing you her ankle tattoo (it's a tribal-style sun)?

Brad Pitt

This isn't necessarily a bad picture of Brad Pitt, but it does make me think about how old he is now, which makes me think about the fact that some day I'm going to be old. Brad Pitt's Wikipedia picture reminds me that someday, I will die. And that doesn't feel great.

Kylie Jenner

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit.

Gwen Stefani

This would not be a good picture of anyone. She's not looking at the camera, her makeup is smudgy and it's backlit as fuck. Gwen Stefani's career has spanned decades, she's established herself in the music, television and fashion industries, and this is the chosen image to represent all of that success?! I bet she wishes she could get a… sweet escape… from this picture.

Khloe Kardashian

This is vintage Khloe, and was probably a very good picture when it was taken in 2009. The OJ genes are strong in this shot. But at least Khloe has her own Wikipedia page with an actual picture — Rob Kardashian doesn't have a photo on his, and Scott Disick doesn't even have a Wikipedia page.

Shia LaBeouf

I mean, in Wikipedia’s defense there are definitely crazier pictures of Shia LaBeouf out there, but this patchy haircut and orange jacket combination feels particularly mugshot-chic. We really couldn’t have pulled one from those halcyon Even Stevens days?

Kristin Stewart

My dead-eyed kween is out here looking like the hottest girl in my high school theater class. Since her humble Twilight origins, Kristin Steward has famously embraced an androgynous look, but has been left with a subpar sunset-colored dye job in the Wikipedia realm.