
Twitter thought Cardi B and Offset broke up for the most ridiculous reason

I seriously can’t with Cardi B today

Offset and Cardi B are the cutest couple in hip hop history. Don't @ me, it's a known fact. Twitter has been obsessed with their relationship since day 1, because they're always being so crazy together. Like, Cardi B got little pictures of Offset glued on her fingers. That's love.

The two seemed to have each others backs through thick and thin and media scandals galore. So last night, the Twittersphere was on high alert after Cardi B posted a spicy Instagram story calling herself "single."

Fans were worried her and Offset had called it quits.

Like, if Cardi B and Offset break up, love doesn't exist and happiness is only a fool's illusion.

But thankfully, Cardi B was just being an extra bitch.

Per usual, to be honest

Apparently her dad thought he found out about her breakup from Twitter

Which is further proof nothing is holy in 2017

And Cardi revealed she and Offset were only fighting because she thought he stole her blanket

We all have that ONE blanket, to be fair

But don't worry everyone, they're still together!

And will continue to be cute asf

I can't WAIT to watch the Instagram stories of this wedding, just saying