
So now we’re in trouble for ‘body-shaming’ abusive men…?

Fuck their feelings

Do not tell me not to body shame Harvey Weinstein, or any other sexual abuser for that matter. And don't tell that abuser's victims not to shame them, either.

Taking issue over the fact that, when recounting the times Harvey Weinstein attacked them, actors like Lea Seydoux and Asia Argento described Weinstein as "fat" is a take so hot that it makes me want to set myself on fire.

Body-shaming isn't cool, and can be incredibly harmful.

Stereotyping someone as a rapist based on their appearance, or exonerating someone from blame for their actions based on what they look like isn't okay either. That's all perfectly reasonable.

But if someone has an ever-growing pile of damning allegations against them, I'm not going to wring my hands over calling him a rotting pile of newspaper and rendered animal fat in a pinstriped suit, you feel me?

Comments on Donald Trump's appearance also prompted people to decry those body-shaming our president, but that's HONESTLY dumb as hell.

Trump's disregard for trans people, queer people, black people, immigrants, poor people and women really overrides any sympathy I feel for him or any urge I have to police my language when I talk about him.

And the energy it takes to get upset about people body-shaming scumbags could be used much more effectively in calling out their abusive, idiotic, downright evil actions.

You know what's way worse than getting body-shamed? Getting sexually assaulted. That's dramatically fucking worse.

And while mocking the appearance of rapists won't prevent sexual assault, I truly cannot blame the people who choose to take out their anger in that manner, especially if they're the ones who were attacked in the first place.

You forfeit the right to the same respect I'd afford to a regular person the second you override someone else's consent for the sake of your own sexual gratification.