Seven of the most cringe-worthy period stories on Reddit that totally will give you nightmares


IRL  • 

Seven of the most cringe-worthy period stories on Reddit that totally will give you nightmares

RIP to pants everywhere

Nothing strikes panic into a girl's heart quite like realizing you've bled through your pad or tampon. You immediately start looking for an escape routes and ways to cover up. The ladies of Reddit got real about their most embarrassing period stories. You think your middle school pad mishap was bad? You haven't seen anything yet.

Amusement park horror story

First time I got my period was on a rollercoaster. I thought something had hit my vagina and I had an injury. Once I ruled out that it was my period, I stuck my first tampon up my butt. Rough day.


Grade school breakout

4th grade… It was the second time I was getting my period. Didn't know it in the morning. It hit while I was in class, and during break there was blood all over the chair. I don't know how I did it, but I left school, I ran home in the rain wearing bloody purple shorts.


Most tragic ricochet

Not worst, but I managed to smack myself in the face with a tampon once.

It was… odd and I'm still not entirely sure how I did it. I was sitting on the toilet, reached down to pull it out, it smacked into my underwear and just ricochet up into my face.

I just kinda sat there for a second and died little.


Not joking

The one that came after having my first IUD put it. I was sitting in class and could feel the pain coming on in waves… The sweats started, then the numbness in the lips… I managed to write, "I'm going to pass out," on my notepad and show the person next to me, who thought I was making a comment on how boring the lecture was. He rolled his eyes and said "I know right?." And then I was down. The next thing I know someone is feeding me a Reese's cup thinking I had low blood sugar. They had called an ambulance, and I was just like, "no… It's my uterus…"


Flight from hell

The first time I ever used a tampon was on a plane.

I was about fifteen years old and got my period mid-flight, and I didn't have any pads with me. I went to the bathroom and there were some free tampons in one of the little cabinets, but I'd never used a tampon before. I did my best to get it in and went back to my seat.

I realized once I sat down that I'd done something wrong. It was… diagonal? Sideways? It was painfully poking at me from the inside, and any way I moved or shifted my weight made it worse.

And then the "fasten seat-belts" light turned on. The plane was hitting turbulence. Big time. Turbulence bad enough to bounce me up out of my seat, and then crash me back down on my sideways tampon. Over and over again. For an hour.


Oxiclean couldn't save first love

The second time I ever had sex was on the white carpet of my boyfriend's parent's living room. After we finished I stood up and, trying to be sexy, sashayed out of the room. I paused at the doorway to throw a flirty look over my shoulder. To my horror, I saw a deep red scar across the carpet, precisely where I had been laying. He followed my gaze and before I could throw myself over the puddle, or at least disappear into the ether, he saw it too. "What is that?," he asked… God bless his ignorant heart. But he understood all to soon and as he looked back to me, all I could think to say was "I need to clean up." I cleaned myself up as quickly as I could and then gave myself a pep talk in the mirror. This guy was way out of my league and we both knew it. NOW we both knew what my menstrual blood looked like. This couldn't possibly be endearing to him. At 18, this felt mortifying, to say the least. So long forever, first love. It was nice almost knowing you. I returned to the living room feigning dignity and maturity, to find my beloved on hands and knees completely naked, save his mothers dish washing gloves, scrubbing with great determination. "Out, out damn spot." Luckily for both of us, Oxiclean lived up to its marketing. All hail the cleaning power of oxygen! We were saved. Unfortunately…young love was not also powerful enough to conquer blood stains. He dumped me 2 days later.


Motel madness

I'd say it was my very first one, but the second one wound up being even worse somehow.

Number One: I was st

ill a grade below the one where they tell you what to expect during puberty, so no one, especially me, saw it coming. And it came on CHRISTMAS. In front of my entire family. And I lost my shit, came running out of the bathroom crying and yelling, "Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!!! HELP!!!!!" which required an awkward explanation to the adults. I still don't think this was funny, especially because of what came next.

Number Two: The way my mom explained it left me thinking that it was over forever, not just a month! So the 2nd time I got my period, which I did not know was going to return, I was alone with my dad several states away from home. We're talking 3 days worth of driving, just Dad and me staying in motels. At least that time I knew I wasn't dying, but I sooner would've died from embarrassment than to ask my dad to buy me some maxi pads, which neither of us knew anything about. I wound up wearing a week's worth of underwear, one over the top of the other, and then getting up after my dad had fallen asleep to wash them in the sink and hang them up to dry. Then I had to wake up again before he woke up so I could take them down off the shower bar before he noticed my strange behavior. When we FINALLY got home I demanded an explanation from my mother, who was mad at ME for not calling her and hiding it from dad, but for Dad's sake, I think I made the right choice. I was like a son to him, and I wanted to stay that way, not become a woman!!!

– – NeedsMoreTuba