
This horrifyingly realistic ‘vagina mask’ brings a whole new meaning to slutty Halloween costume

Just be a mermaid, please

I'd rather you sit and rub seven pounds of mermaid body glitter into my rug than show up with $1,000 in cash for me but with a realistic vagina mask stretched over your beady little eyes. That's how much I hate it.

Halloween has been deemed the one night of the year where we're allowed to wear whatever we want, as long as we're not culturally appropriating (please check yourself) or forcing our SO into some kind of awful couples costume, like "plug" and "socket." Or so we thought.

But it wasn't until this very moment — the moment I laid eyes on the world's first realistic vagina mask — that I thought, maybe body acceptance has gone too far. Maybe we should put more restrictions on what we're encouraging people to wear.

Made entirely of silicone, this mature content BDSM mask is being repurposed be people in a last minute ditch attempt to find a costume that's both unique and spooky, but it can only end one way.

Nothing good has ever come from a silicon genitalia mask, and if it has, I don't want to be a part of it.

So, for the love of God, Jesus and all of your friends, please do not wear this out of your home, inside of your home or at all. Ever. Unless you're really interested in sending the wrong message.