
Girls on Twitter are asking their crushes out and it’s going horribly, horribly wrong

I’ll never do it now

"Text him first" is the type of thing your friend says to you if she secretly hates you.

Arguably the worst thing about 2017 — aside from guys not even paying on first dates anymore — is the fact we're expected to ask them out in the first place.

That's why Twitter user/writer Oloni probably thought it was a good idea when she told all her followers to "ask that guy they fancy out on a date," but the only thing I foresee happening here is a lot of people unfollowing her account in coming days.

The #DateChallenge has gone horribly wrong

Literally none of these guys are interested

Some of them are even blocking girls

Or pretending to 'lose service'

This guy didn't even know who was texting him

And this one though it was a joke

This one likes her friend

And this one literally said 'I'd rather not'

This guy's just a dick

And this one is poor

But at least we can still reclaim our time

Next time, let's just agree to not message them in the first place.

Don't let your stupid, drunk friend hype you into thinking it's a good idea, because now you have proof it's definitely not.

Can't get rejected if you never ask! :,)