
Trump may not run in 2020 so he can get out while things are still ‘good’

Two White House insiders have spoken out

Republicans should not assume Trump will be running for re-election in 2020, said senator Rand Paul on Sunday night, according to reports by Newsweek.

The senator from Kentucky told MSNBC that while there could well be a primary, Trump raising "millions of dollars" for a campaign doesn't mean anything at all.

Rand prefaced his statement by saying Republicans need to know if Trump is going to run again. "I think you won't know that until you get into sort of second, third year of his presidency," he said.

New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, told the Today show a similar thing earlier this week, when he said if Trump runs again he would support him, followed quickly by, "I'm not so sure what will happen."

Other professionals believe Trump will want to bow out gracefully, as well.

He may be convincing himself it's been a win all around, and get out while the getting is "good."