
Eminem and Beyoncé have a new song and I’ll give you one guess to figure out whose bit is better

This is beyoncé’s song now

Eminem is officially back with the most random collaboration 2017 has offered us yet.

With rumors of new music from the rapper swirling online, he just dropped a brand new single, "Walk on Water," off his upcoming album Revival, with Beyoncé of all people.

Earlier today, Twitter was losing it over Beyoncé's braids, saying this must mean we have new music coming, because she usually wears them when recording. But nobody could have predicted this.

Luckily, we don't have to focus too much on Eminem and his self-deprecating lyrics, because as soon as Beyonce's vocals come in, we've forgotten he's on the track.

"I'm not God sent" he raps, "and I'm not Prince," as if we needed him to clear that up for us.

Beyoncé's vocals are seriously unreal

And people are managing to enjoy it despite Eminem

Most are just really, really confused

But the true fans are forgiving her for her mistake

We've all made mistakes, like that freestyle rap Eminem did about Trump last month.

I love Beyoncé as much as the next, but I swear Jay-Z made her do this.