
Facebook wants you to send them your nudes for toootally normal, not-weird-at-all reasons

‘A staff member will view the uncensored image’

Facebook, the company that literally started out as Hot or Not for Harvard, wants you to know you can trust them to keep your revenge porn safe by letting them view it first.

In a press release, the company announced they're launching a program where users can submit their nudes to some guy sitting in Facebook HQ, surrounded by a bunch of empty wrappers of Bugles, in order to ensure they won't make it onto their site.

The program apparently uses image matching technology so no one can upload the same image onto the site or app, but the human addition is so unnecessarily creepy, and I swear I haven't gotten to the most fucked up part yet.

Facebook says the reason someone needs to look at it is so they can decide whether or not the nude someone else posted of you is, in fact, revenge porn. So not only will they be looking at your intimate images, but they'll be the deciding factor over whether or not you press charges.

With the rise of social media, we've seen a similar rise in revenge porn — not necessarily because there's more of it, but because platforms like Facebook and Instagram make it easier to spread.

Earlier this year, in the lamest attempt at a comeback to date, Rob Kardashian posted a bunch of Blac Chyna’s nudes on his personal Instagram account, catalyzing bigger conversations about flagging revenge porn before it's uploaded.

I'm just not sure some sweaty dude, flipping through thousands of nudes (which are definitely all revenge porn), is the knight in shining armor we need.