
Zoella is cancelled following a bunch of really fucked-up tweets

‘She should have kept her legs shut’

Zoe Sugg, a popular fashion and beauty vlogger with more than 12 million subscribers on YouTube, is currently under fire for a slew of since-deleted tweets that were exposed yesterday.

Known by her username Zoella, the 27-year-old also has more than 11 million followers on both Instagram and Twitter.

Zoella manages to insult and slur pretty much everyone: gay people, the trans community, women as a whole, the non-rich, fat people, etc.

Some of her Tweets are really homophobic

"I find it funny when gay men spit," she says in one, "it’s like they’re trying to be a bit macho but never works."

Another refers to a someone as a "tranny in a policeman hat."

A number of them are just really sexist

One reads, "'Why are these clothes so expensive' because they’re designer you tramp."

And another says "She needs to get dressed. Lol skank."

One refers an X-Factor star as a "fat chav," a derogatory term meaning a young, lower-class person who wears real or imitation designer clothes.

With another suggesting an unnamed woman should have "kept her legs shut."

She's also deleted a bunch of tweets calling people fat

In the first few she makes fun of overweight children with obesity.

And of course these are just the Tweets people got to before she began deleting them.

The tweets were sent out from her account in 2010, 2011 and 2012, and today she apologized, but as a woman who touts herself as a feminist icon for a fan base comprised entirely of pre-teen and teenage girls, it's not a good look for her.

And her fans are extremely disappointed

With many confused about how she got away with it

Finding it "funny" how Zoella managed to rebrand herself as some kind of "sweet, unproblematic saint."

She says the Tweets include language she would never use, and that they were "taken out of context," but there's no context in which any of these slurs are appropriate.

"I’d like to think I’m a little older and wiser," she said today — but she was in her 20s when she said these things and has literally no excuse for not knowing better.

The blogger is currently entangled in another scandal for charging $66 for a 12-day-long rip-off advent calendar, the price of which has since been cut in half following backlash.

But we should have expected it, she's been growing her shitty empire since 2012 and we've been watching her.