
Uber charged this guy $2.5 MILLION for a ride and now won’t reply to his emails

The $200 cleaning fee is nothing in comparison

We've all been gouged by Uber before — when surge went up to 3x but it was raining and you were wearing suede boots, when your driver wouldn't let you and your five friends squeeze into his Hyundai Sonata even though there was totally room, or when your driver took the scenic route to your fuck buddy's apartment. It happens.

But one man experienced the price hike of a lifetime when he was charged $2,395,915.20 for a "recent trip." After apparently trying to reach Uber support for hours, he did what any sane person would do: he tweeted about it.

Lucky for @DaveSobo3, Uber's Twitter account responded, but according to him the charge remains unresolved. Now the question remains: what, if anything, did he do to incur this extra charge?

Did he throw up in the Uber, set it on fire and then steal like 8 other cars? Do the water bottles and weird hard candies that drivers sometimes have on deck actually cost extra? We'll be following this story carefully to confirm what exactly not to do the next time we're wasted and trying to get home or late to the airport.