
This child was named the ‘most beautiful girl in the world’ and it’s the creepiest, weirdest thing I’ve ever seen

She’s literally 6….

The Mail Online featuring a female's face next to the headline "most beautiful girl in the world" is nothing new — they love to build up and tear down celebrities like, every day. But splashing a 6-year-old next to the same headline is not only bizarre, but incredibly weird and creepy.

Anna Knyazeva, a Russian model who has starred in a number of successful ad campaigns since age 4, is being hailed the "most beautiful girl in the world" following her spread in the Mail.

It's exactly like the success arc of Thylane Blondeau, French model and former "most beautiful girl in the world." Thylane attracted attention a few years ago after a photo of her posing in her hometown went viral, and she parlayed her childhood success into a full-fledged adult career.

Now, a panel of creepy men are arguing over which CHILD is hotter:

Anna has over 500,000 followers on her Instagram, which is run by her mother. And I'm sure you wouldn't be surprised to hear most of those followers aren't young girls.

Each picture receives hundreds of comments about her "striking" eyes and "tender mouth" from random adults and there's no way to describe it other than really fucking weird.

Some are even commenting on how she'll "lose" her striking looks as she becomes older, which is somehow an even more disturbing take.

Although Blondeau, the "most beautiful girl" who came before her, is grown up and has gone on to continue in her successful modeling career, she never should have had a title like that forced on her to begin with. And Knyazeva, who is still 6, shouldn't either.

I don't know how we came to live in a world where ranking tiny children by their hotness is a thing, but here we are.