
Instagram’s new app just for DMing sounds like a fucking nightmare

‘I found you on Tinder’

There are a lot of people with arguably too many opinions about our favorite app to hate: Instagram.

Some wish the stories stayed on Snapchat, others are bothered by the new algorithm and a few are still pretending the whole thing is a waste of time they'd be "happier without" (despite posting no less than three times a week). But one thing every girl can attest to is there's no place darker or more hair-raising than our Instagram DMs.

So the only possible explanation for the launch of their new app, Direct, which is just for DMing is that the idea was conceived, pitched and designed by males who've never had a soul slip into theirs.

Of course Instagram is owned by Facebook, and with a shocking (read: not at all shocking) lack of female directors on their board it makes sense this idea passed through so many people.

"We want Instagram to be a place for all of your moments, and private sharing with close friends is a big part of that," Instagram said in a statement about the new app, "To make it easier and more fun for people to connect in this way, we are beginning to test Direct."

But between Matt from Tinder who thinks you "accidentally swiped left on him" and that guy from Dubai who keeps sending you photos of Roses, there's already no shortage of landmines, and especially in the "message requests" bit — I actively shiver at the thought.

As of right now, the DMing app is only being tested in six countries, but it's only a short matter of time before it makes its way to the states.

This is all the worst things about Instagram wrapped into one messy, horrifyingly convenient app, but maybe we can still stop it before it goes too far.