babe •
Twitter is loving the fact that Demi Lovato believes in aliens
Demi, hun…
by Ari Bines
We were all susceptible to the idea that aliens were a real thing when Mars Attacks premiered. But since Elon Musk launched his Space X rocket device, it left a bizarre glow, making us believe (once again) that Area 51 is legit And that the ‘rocket’ is really a UFO. And Demi Lovato is tweeting in agreement.
"I’m calling bullshit on SpaceX’s excuse. That shit’s a UFO and there’s been others that have been seen that are just like it!!"
Some people are genuinely worried about her
But as to be expected, fans are backing her up
And they didn’t forget to bring their receipts
Aliens? I’m not sure. But stranger things have happened (thank unicorns they’re getting a third season).