babe •
Someone called 911 after getting a shitty haircut, which you’ve probably wanted to do every time you got bangs
Hello yes police I’m sad help
by Amanda Ross
Is there any single moment more heartbreaking than the one in which the stylist turns you around and shows you your new horrible haircut and you have to smile through the tears and be like, "…I love it" because you're a huge pussy who's afraid of confrontation?
Not this dude! In Wisconsin, a 22-year-old guy went into a regular barber shop for a lil snip-snip. According to the Wisconsin Sate Journal, all the customer wanted was a little off the top and a bit shorter on the sides. You know, like the same haircut any guy who's ever ghosted you had. But what the barber did was I N S A N E! He just took the clippers and buzzed a huge stripe down the center of the guy's head! This is the pic:
He even snipped the poor customer's ear with scissors, and was cited for Disorderly Conduct by the police. Think about that the next time you're crying to your friend because your hair dresser took off an inch of dead ends when you specifically asked for a trim. I'm not saying don't cry about it — I def will. I'm just saying think about this, too.