
Why does Tyra Banks hate fat models?

The ‘token’ plus-size girl looks photoshopped in the promo

Last night, the 24th cycle of America's Next Top Model aired on VH1. I was ecstatic by the fact that Rita Ora was fired as host, Ty-Ty Baby was back to being the H.B.I.C., and my plus-size savior, Ashley Graham was still on panel, repping for the big bitches like me.


During yesterday's promotion of the cycle's premiere, Tyra made claims that this season would be the "most diverse" yet, consisting of women of all races, all ages, and all body types:

While the representation of models from different ethnic backgrounds was on point (finally), and the fact that there's a 40-year-old model coming for the youngins, I was highly disapointed in the lack of thickies…save for one, Ivana Thomas.

And everyone on Twitter was here for it:

And bitch, so was I! But I was lost in the sauce of chicken legs on my TV screen — and there was hardly any cellulite! Now, before you all go the fuck off on my fat ass, puh-leez let a bitch know if you can distinguish the plus-size models from the regular ones in ANTM's promo photo:

How obvious is it that there's like literally one?

That's when I had a moment. Like literally, started a moment on Twitter minutes before the premiere aired.

I was under the impression that when Tyra said "all sizes", I would witness plus-size girls with back rolls, "wings" (as assholes call fat-hanging arms), and some damn tummy gut. But lo and behold, the cut off size is a 12…if that!

Tyra's produced two special editions of ANTM: one for short girls and even a season of guys competing with girls — but us thickies who let it all hang out can't seem to catch a break.

So I called on my plus-size coven. I tweeted at Nicolette Mason, Gabi Gregg, and Nadia to find out if we could make the dream of plus-size modeling competition and she actually responded. *faints*

I can't really be all that surprised that Ty-Ty was so selective with the curvy girls, because there is a "certain type" of plus-size model that constantly gets fed to us who have thicker thighs than the regular models, arms that do a lil jiggle, and a flat stomach.

To make matters worse, she looks photoshopped! The video of her introducing herself to the judges seems to be a much thicker version of her than what's actually presented to us in the photo of the cast.

Of course I'm rooting for Ivana (duh!), but I wish Tyra would have led the way to include even more thicker and fatter girls on this season than portraying it as the most diverse. In the meantime, I'll be waiting in the wings, looking out for Nicolette's plus-size casting call.