
Every slut-shaming, sexist response to the Aziz Ansari story

‘This bitch wanted it’

After sharing Grace's story about her encounter with Master of None creator, Aziz Ansari, we expected a lot of things.

We expected to hear from other girls about how they'd experienced a similar thing, and we did. We expected ex fans to denounce him publicly, and many did. But we didn't expect so much kickback from guys who don't understand shoving your fingers down someone's throat when they don't want it is not okay.

"She chose to go upstairs with him," "She did it for the attention," can you blame Grace* for remaining anonymous after a three minute scroll through victim-blaming Twitter? Because I can't.

She's confusing regret with abuse

She had the power because she had something he wanted

Don't go up to his apartment, it isn't that complicated

Just say 'No!'

Men and women should just agree to never have sex again

This is the most pathetic thing I've ever read

Don't suck someone's dick and then claim 'violation'

If you don't want sex don't go to his place

You sucked his dick voluntarily, bitch

Is she mentally ill?

She's trying to make money off Aziz

Utter bullshit

She wanted some fairy tale bullshit, and money

You're the reason people will stop caring about victims

Weak and stupid

#MeToo is akin to being a cancerous toxic fad

This lady is a liar

Since when do you not expect some sexual aggressiveness?

But what's really happening here is we're witnessing the defense tactic at play. The reason the Aziz story is scaring so many men and receiving backlash is because, if accepted as truth, many of them will have to admit they've overstepped, too.

Violation of boundaries isn't always defined as rape — there's a huge gray area.