
Trump’s State of the Union Address was a trash fire but look at these memes about Melania’s face

I love this song!!!

Look, I don’t get enjoyment out of judging the glassy look in a woman’s eyes while watching her husband “give to the Congress information of the state of the union,” but last night Trump was the 45th president to do so, and somewhere between his 17th and 18th “America first” rants I realized I couldn’t help but avert my eyes elsewhere. Anywhere, really. The first hour of his speech didn’t even mention a single proposal, he was literally just talking about himself.

But you know who would never be so vain? Melania Trump, First Lady of the United States and friend to aquatic animals everywhere. And like myself, it seemed she was having a hard time focusing on Trump, too. She was probably thinking about something more important, like “I wonder if we get free drinks at this,” or “Being here is really weird in the wake of all that Stormy Daniels shit,” or “Why won’t he just die already?”

OK, it’s Twitter’s turn to decide what she’s thinking!!!

‘Melania’s face as Trump enters says it all’

‘If Melania is starting off like this, how miserable will she be by the end?’

The face of a woman who’s had enough

‘Never thought I’d relate to Melania Trump but’

‘That look could sink the Titanic’

‘The face of a woman who was forced to be there’

‘A woman reevaluating her life’s choices’

‘Her face when Trump was announced was priceless’

‘An immediate favorite moment’

You know what? They probably should’ve just live streamed Melania’s face instead of whatever the hell Trump was talking about. It definitely would’ve gotten better ratings, plus, more people were tweeting about it anyway.