
Zooey Deschanel says her ex-manager sabotaged her career right when she was ‘hot’

So that’s where she's been

I don't remember the years 2009 – 2012 because I spent them pretending to be Zooey Deschanel — wearing blue flowy dresses, listening to The Smiths, swiping my hair across my forehead because my mom wouldn't let me get bangs (seriously, thanks mom). But since, the only place we've seen her is New Girl.

According to new reports, the actress is demanding her ex managers, particularly Sarah Jackson, pay her $1.1 million in commissions she's paid them over the years, accusing them of costing her roles and ruining her popularity, at a time when she was "hot."

The legal battle has apparently been going on since 2015, and Deschanel describes Jackson's actions as "nothing more than a personal manager’s desperate attempt to further her own interests at the expense of the client." One particular role Deschanel is upset about losing came during her 2013 break from New Girl.

Further, Deschanel has accused Jackson of convincing her to fire her talent agency CAA and switch to UTA, because Jackson was "upset that CAA wasn't helping her land new managing clients." However, the actress claims this ended up losing her roles and costing her fans, when not only were eyes on her because of her show, but because of her two Golden Globe nominations, Emmy nomination and Grammy nomination, too.

Hopefully this means we're getting a 500 Days of Summer 2.0 because as tired as the manic pixie dream girl shtick is, I can't help that it's a problematic fave of mine.