
Shay Mitchell uploaded a naked video of herself to celebrate being on YouTube, and I’m officially worried about her

Watch the video here looool

I never really thought I'd see Shay Mitchell naked in a YouTube video, but let's be honest: I've been worried about today's B-List celebrities for a while. Between the Hidden Valley Ranch #ads littering my Instagram feed and the #collab clips all over YouTube, they're really doing the most to keep up their Gucci belt and Cartier-ring wearing, slightly-famous lifestyle. One of their latest tactics to stay relevant and at least kinda rich? YouTube.

Shay Mitchell, the girl who was on a million seasons of Pretty Little Liars yet still remains somewhat unknown, is the latest celeb to catch the "Logan Paul Syndrome."

You know, when already famous people do something really fucking dumb on the internet to get more famous. The syndrome is especially infuriating, because it causes us not famous people to wonder: Can't they just be happy with their semi-charmed lives and not fuck up the internet and our future generations of impressionable YouTube sponges?

She ran around LA topless to celebrate having 3 million subscribers. She's calling it "naked," but we hoes know that's not 100 percent accurate.

It is still pretty fucking ridiculous though. This girl has been on the cover of Cosmo. And listen, I'm not slut-shaming here. I have run around more naked than this. What I am shaming is the things we're all willing to do for internet fame. Trust me, I'm surrounded by this "no limits" thing everyday. I do work at I still think it's pretty fucking insane.

Shay Mitchell, New York Fashion Week 2017

Either YouTube fame is more lucrative than acting now, or we're all just living in a really drawn out episode of Black Mirror. The unicorn mask Shay wears in her vid really makes me think the latter is more likely. Oh, and the fact that we have robots running around.