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Here are proven methods for successfully sliding into DMs
I don’t want to say ‘works every time’, buuuut…
by Ari Bines
It's 2018 and we no longer mess around. The time is now to get out of your Insta-stalking habit and take initiative for once by making the first move, and the best place to do that is via Instagram DMs.
You're probably already done liking their most recent Instagram post, saved all their shirtless photos to your "special" folder, but have yet to even put a comment down on any of their selfies.
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From exes to crushes to celebrities you never thought you'd meet, here's to effectively slide into DMs:
Here's how to DM your crush
The way to slide into the DMs of your crush is to make sure they know you're alive.
Whatever it is that makes you recognizable to them is your immediate entry. If they know you from school, ask about a paper that's due or complain about your shared hatred for your poly-sci professor. In my case, in which I crushed on a coworker from my retail days, I bitched about the store manager and because he hated that bitch too, we got so far into spilling retail horror stories that he invited me out for drinks over the weekend.
In the event that your crush has no clue of your existence, slide into the DMs of one of their associates. You can't just show up to the party without an invitation, so make one with their friend. It'll be way less awkward — unless you're also trying to get it in with the friend.
And here's how to DM the ex you're not over
Depending on how your relationship ended, this can go one of two ways: you can simply start with shooting them a small smiley face emoji (do not send any of the smileys showing teeth) or the teary-eyed emoji face. Sliding into your ex's DMs with emojis will help you to understand how they may respond.
They can't block you right away nor can they send you a nasty message because they won't want to come off as rude when you haven't even sent them any actual words. You might feel anxiety as you wait on their response, but you can expect that you won't be getting cursed out right off the bat.
Want to hit up a booty call for more sex? DM them
The last time I was in a friends with benefits situationship, he got jealous as fuck and I wasn't aroused by any of his tears when he wanted to make it official. On the other hand, if you feel awkward about looking like a thirsty thot, bring up something totally objective that has nothing to do with what you're both using each other for.
If you're college buddies, discuss going to the gym together to workout where you both look naturally disgusting or maybe even think about inviting them to eat the chemicals your school calls lunch in the mess hall. I went the even simpler route and asked if he'd come do laundry with me, because no one gets turned on by cleaning out other people's sex stains. Either way, as long as you mention you want the hangout as dull and tedious as possible, you can determine if there's something more there.
Finally! The grand finale: here's how to DM a celebrity
Guilt trip them with your classlessness
There's actual proof of success in this next tactic. A highschooler actually did her DM duty so well that Austin Mahone replied to her bombardment of edited selfies. It's all about subtle thirst-trapping in the case of celebrities.
Thirst-trapping your favorite celebrity isn't your everyday, run-of-the-mill nude sext, but more of a "hey come and play with my dog, Sparky" kind of vibe. Similar to what this high school student did, you'll want to send your most mundane pictures that you wouldn't be caught dead uploading to even the likes of MySpace.
The key is to fan-girl your messages, making them feel sorry for you and your peasant-level poorness. Some celebs are so shallow, they believe anyone below their net-worthiness is still texting from a Motorola Razor phone. They're used to having their DMs flooded with old men's shriveled dicks and other uncalled for thottie photography, which is why a pic of you in your simple small town girl look sportng basic black leggings and riding boots is a breath of fresh Middle American air in their messages.
Be sure to toss in the complete lie that it's your birthday, then throw in lots of sad, yet convincing images of you and your two gal pals for your "21st" at Tommy's Pizza and mention how you wish they could be there to eat cake with you, and before you know it, you're seeing a well-mannered response from Charlie Puth or Shawn Mendez.
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