
Someone got a figure of Kylie Jenner’s pregnant body on their long-ass acrylic nails, and I’m irrationally upset

Why, internet?

Just when you all thought the Kylie fandom was under control for a moment so you could fix your wig, someone spent their #SelfCare Sunday getting a full set manicure along with a figure of a pregnant Kylie Jenner.

Nail Sunny, the artist behind this mommy Jenner manny, is no newbie to these kind of outrageous nail art designs. She's the same beautician who designed a set of nails with a girl twerking featured on the ring finger. It's pretty damn impressive.

How can you even type with these on?

I don't know if I'm more weirded out by the fact that she actually thought this was a cute look or that this girl took a wad of cash out of her boobs to spend at least $100 for a pregnant set. All I know is I can't keep my eyes away from how accurately pregnant Kylie looks as an acrylic figure.