
What’s On Your Face?: A babe editor spills about her skincare routine

'I used to wash with bar soap'

'What’s On Your Face?' is babe’s new weekly skincare email, where we tell you all about what the girls at the office are using, so you can try it at home.

Name: Caroline Phinney

Age: 23

Occupation: Associate editor at babe

Skin type: Dry

Favorite brands: Glossier, Neutrogena and Dr. Bronner's

I have to get this off my chest: I spent the first 20 years of my life occasionally rinsing my face with water and bar soap and never, under any circumstances, moisturizing.

To be fair, I attended UMass, where you were considered clean if you were wearing birkenstocks in the rain, but when I moved to the city for my first job, I knew I was in for a rude awakening: my skin was in a tragic state.

So, I did what any 21-year-old trying to pay rent in a new city would do, and spent every last dollar of my first paycheck on moisturizers and serums.

First thing's first: Take it all off

You can't take care of your skin if it's crusted over with eyeliner and glitter, so I start fresh with a Neutrogena cleansing wipe: $13.

After wiping away leftover makeup, I rinse with Glossier's Milk Jelly Cleanser: $18. I never exfoliate but that's because I have flaky skin, so irritating it is a no-go.

Next I clear out my pores

Detoxifying, especially in a grimy city like NY, is a must. For me, that means the Mega Greens Galaxy Pack: $22. Just make sure not to apply it every day. It can irritate skin if used too frequently.

This list is going to look like an add for Glossier, but it's not. I just have no backbone when it comes to glitzy advertising.

After showering I use a serum

Glossier's Super Bounce is my favorite, because it's their thickest serum, so it's great for hungover skin, and you can buy a three-pack for $65.

Then it's a brightening eye cream

I use L'Oréal's Eye Defense, $13, but any eye cream with caffeine in it is great. Just something to get the blood flowing so your bags go into hiding.

For around my nose and forehead, a thicker moisturizer

Clinique's Moisture Surge, $19, has been a life saver. This helps with my more sensitive skin, specifically around the nose and forehead. I even re-apply throughout the day.

After, we prime

A primer in a necessity because it helps to even out makeup. But I also wear mine when I'm not wearing makeup. It keeps moisture in and dirt out. My favorite is Glossier's Priming Moisturizer: $22.

It's not too thick, but not too thin.

Don't forget to protect

I don't care if it's February, because the sun reflects off the snow. Try Glossier's Invisible Shield: $25.

To finish things off?

A full-body moisturizer so my hands, arms and legs are safe against the winter. Plus, it smells like a dream. My favorite? Dr. Bronner's Peppermint Lotion: $11.

So yeah, you could say I'm a skincare freak.

But nobody knows I skip on Saturdays when I'm too hungover to shower.