
Butts are canceled because everyone is freaking out over trying to get a sexy belly button now

What the hell am I supposed to do with my innie?

2012 was a great year because it was the year Kim K officially ushered in the era of the ass, and we were all allowed to stop worrying about our lopsided titties for a sec.

Sure, we had bums to worry about instead, but I'm of the firm belief anyone can acquire an ass as long as they're following the right Instagram accounts. Boobs, not as easy. But you know what's harder to change? Belly buttons. And that's what's trendy now, so god help me.

According to to plastic surgeons, belly button surgery, or umbilicoplasty, is the newest cosmetic surgery trend and everyone's looking to one person in particular for inspiration.

You know how when you get lip injections you can bring in a picture of Kylie Jenner or Beyonce and ask for something similar? Well, lucky Emily Ratajkowski because she's apparently got the belly button every girl wants.

Never seen it? It's kind of an innie-outtie, and surgeons are calling it the "hooded oval."

"We've become a much more image-oriented society," plastic surgeon Dr Schulman told the Daily Mail, "People are more aware of their bodies on Instagram, and they understand now that there's a way to make their belly button's look better."

So don't feel weird saving belly button pics on Insta, because your friends are doing it, too.