
Lifetime cast the Walmart-version of the Royal Family for their latest movie, and everyone involved in this should be executed

Honestly, Kate and William look like characters on a water park informational pamphlet

Everybody knows Lifetime. They're the network known for The "Pregnancy Pact", the most important film of 2010, along with a slew of cheesy Christmas movies, and the iconic Britney Spears biopic, "Britney Ever After."

The network isn't, um, exactly know for casting A-listers, and their latest cast is proof their primary skill is casting creepy lookalikes.

The network is making a movie about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, elegantly named "Harry & Meghan: A Royal Romance." No one saw that coming. And while I will definitely watch this movie and cry along to the beautiful love story, my tears will be at least partially attributed to the cast.

Why? They look like the Walmart-version of the royal family.

Look at the couple playing Harry and Meghan

They look just close enough to the real thing for it to be creepy, yet just different enough to make it super distracting.

But the actors they chose to play William and Kate, plus their kids whose names I can never remember, are way more… concerning

This literally looks like a pamphlet Jehovahs' Witnesses would pass out. Or the advertisement for a low-budget country club.

Like, I see the resemblance. But I can't help wonder if this resemblance I see is solely based on hair color? It kinda seems like it. Don't get me wrong — these people are perfectly hot, especially for real life normal people. But isn't it kinda rude to be like, "Oh, we just need a skinny brunette for Kate!" or "Oh, we just need a balding, vaguely dad-looking guy for William!" I don't know, it rubs me the wrong way.

Honestly, I think the kids casting is the best part of this whole thing. But maybe that's just because all kids look the same to me: Kinda cute, but vaguely terrifying. Anyway, I would die for baby Charlotte's lewk. But I'm not necessarily dying to watch this made for TV movie. Unless it's as good as The Pregnancy Pact. Then I'm all in.

Oh, and as a little treat, here is the woman they cast as Britney Spears in her biopic:
