We asked girls for their most horrifying, embarrassing and a little bit sexy nude disasters


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We asked girls for their most horrifying, embarrassing and a little bit sexy nude disasters

‘I accidentally sent it to my dad’

February is over, which means we're all horny after a long winter. Spring and summer are amazing; there's so much booze, so many rooftops and so few rules to abide by. And what better way to get things started than with a few nudes? You get to stay cosy in bed while sending out feelers.

So, in celebration of March — in like a lion — here are a bunch of really fucked up, embarrassing, sexy stories about real girls' nudes:


Ok so, my friends took these AWESOME nudes of me when we were at one of their sister’s wedding last summer. we basically had a S-I-C-K photoshoot cause we were drunk and crazy and it was such a funny memory that we reminisce on.

Anyway, about a year and a half ago, I was doing some homework at a cafe and was obviously procrastinating and going through those photos. So I go to send it to my group chat cause I was on a sending-old-photos rampage, and since my overprotective mom texts me 24/7, I accidentally dropped it into her messages and hit send so fast that i didn’t process where it was and accidentally sent it to my innocent jewish mother.

I immediately turned off my wifi and turned airplane mode on my phone on, but it was too late.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and ran out of the coffee shop! The barista literally chased after me because he thought something terrible had happened.


When i was still seeing my current boyfriend long-distance last winter I came home drunk one night and we were sexting via Snapchat and it was getting kind of intense/involved prop-wise.

And then this OTHER dude who I've never hooked up with and is currently with one of my best friends snapped me some stupid ass shit like him playing the guitar and I accidentally responded with a full-on video of me shoving an electric toothbrush inside of myself. I realized my mistake IMMEDIATELY and CALLED HIM at TWO in the morning and was like ALEX DON'T LOOK AT THAT VIDEO I'M SORRY DON'T LOOK AT IT but I know he did anyway bc he went up to john at a party like a month later and was like "Yo, that was some pretty freaky shit."


Before the age of sending nudes, I sent a fully descriptive text to my bf at the time explaining what I'd bought and what I planned to do to him whilst wearing it. I thought it was odd that he didn't reply, and I later got a text from my dad saying thanks for the birthday wishes, completely glossing over the fact that I accidentally sent it to him instead..

We've not mentioned it since, but I'm dying inside just thinking of it still.


It was Thanksgiving and I was texting my dad who was two rooms over and I was also texting my boyfriend who had gone home for the night. I mixed up the text messages and sent my nudes to my dad instead of my boyfriend, realized my mistake, screamed, ran to his room. He claims he didn't get anything from me, which is my dads way of saying "I saw it but I'm going to pretend that I didn't," and it was never discussed it again.


My boyfriend took a bunch of ridiculously raunchy nudes of me with a Polaroid camera in high school, and his grandma was cleaning his room and my boyfriend kind of just had them out and it was very obvious she came across them and was horrified.


My nudes got sent around in high school a lot because I made a lot of enemies.

I had no problem because I never sent ones with my face in them, plus we had an underground nude trading ring like Pokémon cards for horny high schoolers.

My brother was a freshman when I was a senior and one day he pissed off the wrong people so to get back at my brother, they spammed him with nudes of me. I was mortified but denied until he tells me “I wouldn’t have thought that was you until I saw your backpack in the background of one of them, nice try.”


One night I was very drunk and waiting for my boyfriend to get off work so I’d thought I’d send him a nude letting him know to hurry up. He came home and didn’t mention it at all which I found extremely annoyingly because hello bitch. I looked back at my phone only to realize I sent it to my lovely and married boss by accident because they have the same name.


For some reason every time one of my parents or siblings gets a new phone, the iCloud gets all messed up and we start getting each other’s messages.

I was in high school and I was soon in love with my bother’s best friend, but my brother didn’t know. We would text all the time and send each other pics sometimes, too. So one day, before I realized the Cloud was screwed up again, I sent a nude to my brother’s friend and when he sent one back it went to my brother’s phone instead. That was the end of that relationship.


I was sloppy drunk in high school sophomore year and I wanted to send a nude to someone super random online, because boredom. And this kid who I had no interest in was messaging me at the same time (iChat days so all of the people you were talking too were in the same messenger just different tabs), and just so happens he was asking for a picture of my tits.

I had a picture for the other random dude I didn’t know in real life without my face in it and accidentally sent it to the fucking dumbass I was kind of friends with who was asking, and he sent it to EVERYONE and my titties were on every dude in the areas phone. Literally my current boyfriend was like yeah I got that picture of you too. No one believes me that I didn’t mean to send it to that kid.


One night, I was bored and horny (the most lethal combination, it's wore than Xanax and Fentanyl), I decided it would be a genius idea to take a nude and send it to like, 10 ex-hookups/BFs with a caption like, "Come overrr" or whatever. So I took it, then I took a real Xanax (unlaced, blessedly) and immediately fell asleep.

I woke up about an hour and a half later to my doorbell ringing like CRAZY. I was so shook. I looked out the peephole to reveal LIKE FIVE OF THE GUYS HAD ALL COME OVER AND WERE STANDING IN MY HALLWAY EXTREMELY PISSED. I pussied out and pretended I wasn't home.


I sent my ex a nude while he’d left his phone downstairs on charge in front of his entire family, grandad and all.


Was gonna send an unflattering pic of me in sexy lingerie to my friend to get feedback/approval of what I just bought. I was wearing no makeup, I made a double chin face, crossed my eyes, and posed with my stomach out to be funny. Turns out I sent it to the dude I was supposed to see that weekend. I never got to show him the lingerie in person.


I had just gotten done with an extremely great date and we decided to take it back to his place. I was the most blissed-out kind of drunk imaginable, and feeling super loved-up and cozy. I was in his bed naked while he ran to the bodega to pick up a few things for the night, and I tried to send a Snapchat to my friend Ernest with the caption "He's getting condoms and beeeeer."

What I didn't notice was that my tits were out. I also didn't notice I PUT IT ON MY SNAP STORY. Like 45 people watched it and no one told me. Later I asked a friend why he didn't tell me and he just said, "I thought tits out was just your brand."


One night my boyfriend and I were drunk and he posted a nude of both of us — like him grabbing my ass in this full body mirror and I was just in a thong and he was in tight boxers with a boner — and he posted it on his Insta story.

Like all these people he worked with saw it (he works at a high security clearance job) and then he quickly deleted it but the next day at work got pretty awkward, but people did congratulate him on my ass.
