
This man set out to prove that white people are the ‘least gay race’ and…I’ll just let you guys see his data for yourselves

Do you want a trophy or something?

One tweet. Seven words. All thanks to a douchebag who looks like he's about to remind your teacher that there was a quiz today.

Congratulations, white people — because according to ex-BU laughingstock Nicholas J. Fuentes, you guys are the "least gay race." Hooray?

According to a Gallup poll Fuentes tweeted out, white people have the lowest percentage of people who identify as LGBT in the United States — lower than the country's Black, Hispanic and Asian populations.

I just can't think of any LGBT white people!

Tell that to all media representation of LGBT people because I challenge you to find like, one non-white queer character on a network TV show. But honestly, what is it about this tweet that makes it so fundamentally stupid and hilarious?

Is it the fact that sentient incel subreddit Fuentes used statistics from 2012? Is it the way "least gay race" rolls off the tongue, like "men's rights activist" or "I identify as an AK-47"? The fact that somehow, this observation is supposed to redeem white people instead of demonstrate how fucking boring bigots are?

Definitely nothing gay about this.

I don't know what it is. But I do know that it's the stupidest thing I've seen today.

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