
Kylie Jenner has officially OD’d on the injections… just look at these pictures of her INSANE new lips

Why, I’ve never!

Kylie's infamous lips are looking bigger (and more unnatural) than ever. She's officially OD'd on the lip injections and it has her looking like a strange mix between a blowfish and a Steven Tyler.

The Kardash-Jenner queen was seen out to dinner with her friend Jordyn wearing the biggest, most horrific lips I've ever seen.

I mean, we could sit here and argue whether or not this is a step up from her 2012 no-lips look. But I'm worried this girl has taken revenge on her old insecurities to a whole new level.

Retro Jenner sisters

Kylie, put down the needles! You don't have to do this! Stormi will love you just how you are.

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