Meghan Markle is living EVERY little girl’s dream: Spending $125,000 on wedding trumpets


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Meghan Markle is living EVERY little girl’s dream: Spending $125,000 on wedding trumpets

I’m so jealous!

When Meghan Markle walks down the aisle on May 19, she won't just be walking towards a future as British royalty — she'll be walking towards (or in front of, I don't know the exact set-up) $125,000 worth of trumpets.

At least, that's how much they'll cost according to a projected budget by Bridebook, a British wedding planning site.

Bridebook's estimated budget also allots a little less than $154,000 for flowers, almost $70,000 for cake and a little less than $50,000 for "toilets for guests", which I guess means they're gonna cut corners when it comes to the reception dinner.

In their defense though, these cakes do look fucking lit:

On a slightly more ominous note, a profile of the man who will be crafting the trumpets for the Royal Wedding says "the exact purpose for the specially-crafted instruments, silver-plated and stamped with the Royal coat of arms, was not stated, and indeed remains undisclosed."

What are you going to do with those trumpets, Harry and Meghan? What are they for, and why can't you reveal their purpose to the man who is making them?

The jury is out on how close to reality this proposed budget is — but from the looks of it, this shit is going to be lavish as hell, with an angelic — but jarring — soundtrack to match.

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