
Your horoscopes are here, and this is what today’s ‘twilight zone effect’ means for your sign

There’s a plot twist coming…

You know how in the Twilight Zone everything is not what is seems?

Today, because the Moon in Aquarius is void and forms no major aspects to major bodies after 1pm, you can (and should) expect major, unexpected plot twists in your life.


Today's Moon is going to bring you the plot twist you’ve been waiting for. For some reason when we think of plot twists, they always come with a negative connotation. But what if your plot twist brings you something you didn't even know you needed? Maybe you've been stuck in a rut and you haven't even noticed, or maybe you have, but didn't know how to get out. I always knew June was going to be your month.


For someone who's so grounded, today's plot twist will come as a bit of a shock to the system — but sometimes a complete 180 is just what you need to get yourself back on track. Shit is exhausting and lately you've been feeling particularly stressed. That's meant you've had a hard time convincing yourself to do anything, much less a glow up. But the energy you need is coming.


Gemini love plot twists, and that's because you're addicted to new beginnings. For you, January 1st is the best day of the year, and the beginning of each month feels like a clean slate. But — plot twist! — today's plot twist is going to ask you to go back to something (or someone…) you've been running away from. New beginnings are only nice when you get closure. Good luck.


Today's Aquarius Moon is going to bring a plot twist in the form of tables turning all around you. Arguments you thought you were losing, pieces you thought you were lacking, all of these things are being filled up in you, and drained in the people who once tried to strip you of your power. Karma's a bitch, so it's good to be on the right side.


Feel like you've been chasing someone to no avail? Plot twist, he's been scrolling through your IG wondering about whether or not he should message you. Now the next plot twist is up to you. Are you going to (predictably) text him back, or are you going to take the power back and blow him off for once?


Virgos dislike plot twists because you know you can't control them, but let me tell you: Saturn has been in retrograde for a few months, and the planet of karma had been planning its revenge. Think back to four months ago, five, even six. Was there some major event that happened to you? And were you on the right side? Or the wrong side? You're about to find out.


For you, this is going to be a whole summer of plot twists so you might as well start with today's Aquarius Moon. People you thought were sleeping on you are going to start coming out of the woodwork so you'll have to decide if you want to give them the time of the day or if you'd rather take these plot twists on alone and end up with someone they'll be jealous of.


You're always quick to deny it when people call you a jealous sign, but that's mostly just because you're defensive…and yeah, jealous. But today's Aquarius Moon will find the tides turning in your favor. Someone you've been jealous of is becoming jealous of you, juuust as your jealousy is conveniently wearing off. Sucks to be them.


The thing about being a Sagittarius is that your entire life is basically one big plot twist. You're always trying to start new or move to the next place and for the most part, that makes you more interesting than the people you come across. But there's a depth missing. Today, as the moon transits through Aquarius, your plot twist will be someone from your past. Don't run from them this time.


Plot twist: you actually don't give a shit what they think. For once. Yeah, you're one of the most "independent" signs, but that doesn't mean you don't get caught up in all the emotional bullshit. You still care (and often care more) but why do you put all of that energy into someone who doesn't put it into you? Kick them to the curb.


You're going to care about yourself they way you used to care about that other person. The thing about Aquarians is you're so ready to give, you forget to take and then when that person takes and takes and leaves, you've kind of left with nothing. Even if they never promised to stay in the first place. But imagine if you treated yourself the way you treated them.


Is that someone…DMing you without trying to get into your pants? Plot twist! Maybe this person actually gives a shit about you? Just because you aren't used to being treated the way you deserve, doesn't mean you don't deserve it period. Do not push this person away because you're scared. We all have to open up at some point.