
A ‘window of opportunity’ will occur this afternoon, and here’s what it means for your sign


A window of opportunity will occur today from 1:35 pm EST — around the same time the moon moves into Pisces — through tomorrow at 5:45 am EST.


Happy Monday! I actually have some great news for you! Beginning at 1:35 today, there are new work opportunities and pay rises which look promising and probable. But, don't get down on yourself if it doesn't come in the way you expected it to. The stars work in strange ways.


Morning, babe. Today, there is likely to be a large window of opportunity leading to tempting projects ahead, with one opportunity, in particular, opening up a new avenue for you in the future. But, you'll have to have your eyes peeled. Sometimes chances appear in the most unlikely of places.


A chance to break down a barrier that's been bothering you will appear around 1:35 today. Whatever it is, or whoever it is you've been trying to get through to, will either come to you, or will open their mind to you coming to them. Just be careful with how you approach sensitive subjects. You don't want to scare them off.


You have the opportunity to change something in your work right now, but only if you're willing to put in the hours. If you want to expand your career potential, you need to be prepared to put in odd hours and maintain an even temperament. Good things come with hard work, and this is the time in your life you should be doing that.


Because you will be in a position of power today, excellent communication skills will be the key to your survival. Come 1:35 pm, you'll gain access to almost anything you desire, but you'll still have to be crafty about how you go about getting it. You don't want people to know you've been chasing after it.


The warmth of a Virgo, can quickly turn to fiery temper if they feel challenged or threatened, and today, as the moon moves into Pisces you may feel just that. However, if you let this cloud your thoughts, you'll miss your window of opportunity, beginning at 1:35. Don't let your mood get the best of you.


Libras can grapple with highs and lows within their personality, and this is particularly evident when their rose-colored glasses are removed and they see the world as it really is; not just full of positivity and opportunity but full of all sorts of stressors. Today, you'll have to work harder to see opportunity, but this evening, it will come to you.


The second you start doubting yourself is the second you lose it all. It doesn't matter how talented, or even naturally lucky, you are. If you aren't proud and sure of the work you are doing and putting in, people will sense this fear in you, and they will find it hard to be proud, too. So give them a reason to believe in you.


Sometimes, people come into your life not to stick around forever, but to teach you a lesson. Today, you may find out who one of those people is. Don't dismiss them just because you're irritated, otherwise you'll have to go through more and more of these people. Take the lesson you learned with you.


Look, I see right through you. I know you mean well, but you're also one of those people who will commit to plans even when you already know you're going to cancel on them later. It's like you're afraid of just saying 'No' upfront and hurting their feelings. This evening, a window of opportunity will occur, and you'll need to commit to not canceling.


This morning you may have a hard time grounding yourself. Lately you feel like a bit of a drifter — like you aren't sure how to tackle problems anymore, and now you're just letting them pile up. But today, around 1:35 pm, clarity will come to you, and you'll have to be ready to act on it.


Even though you meant something totally different in your head, you may have said or done something lately that someone took the wrong way. Now, you can't figure out why they're aggy with you, and they can't figure out why you're acting like everything is fine. This evening you'll have a chance to break through with them, so be sure to reach out. Even if you aren't sure what to say.