
Did you know every time you send an Android user an Emoji, they see this shit?

The real reason to never text them

It's not a secret that there's something terribly wrong with people who use Androids. But many of us have failed to grasp the true depths of their depravity. We here at babe can reveal something truly horrific — although be warned, this is not for sensitive eyes.

Observe the horror:

Do you feel personally threatened by the mouthless one?

That's right — every time an Android user sends an emoji, they maliciously unleash a demon into the world, a yellow-faced specter of the night with cold and unfeeling eyes.

Studies have suggested that these are the visions that greet us when we pass from this world to the next, delivering the kiss of death.

Please spare me.

Even more blasphemous is Android's representation of the animal kingdom. These noble beasts, once revered by men, have been reduced to a shallow caricature.

How fucking dare you.

These grotesque renditions laugh in the face of our Creator. In particular, observe the so-called warthog.

Here is the alleged 'warthog'

This is bordering on sacrilege. Is there no end to the debauchery of Android users?