
Who keeps giving Lena Dunham dogs?

Hi, 911? I’d like to report a crime

I regret to inform you that in the year 2018 Lena Dunham is somehow still relevant, despite MANY reasons why she should have long faded into obscurity at this point.

Aside from being a fake-woke white "feminist" who accuses women of lying about rape and gets mad at black men for not wanting to sleep with her, Lena Dunham is also a jerk to dogs. And if that doesn't make you hate her, then I don't know what would.

Look, I can almost understand the sheer ignorance and stupidity that would compel someone to publicly proclaim that they wish they had an abortion, but only a fucking psychopath would abandon a rescue dog and spread outright LIES about the dog's "aggression" and history of "terrible abuse."

Poor Lamby. He didn't deserve to be libeled online like that! Especially after the shelter came through with receipts proving that Lamby did not, in fact, suffer a history of abuse and was a perfectly normal dog that just happened to be in the hands of a pathological liar and sociopath.

Despite being a cold and soulless creature who should be banned from adopting dogs EVER again, Lena Dunham now has a new Yorkshire Terrier who, frankly, looks terrified to be anywhere near her.

Look at those eyes. They're screaming for help.

But it gets worse. Lena has amassed an entire COLLECTION of unfortunate animals who have their own Instagram account, which is rather ominously named @lambyzoo. Even the profile picture of the Insta account is of Lamby. Strange….

Is this a passive-aggressive reminder to her other pets that they too can be abandoned without a second's warning if they pose even the slightest inconvenience to Lena's life??

My heart breaks for these poor animals. Just look at this cat, who is making the same exact facial expression that anyone would make if Lena were resting her oily face on them.

Someone needs to step in and STOP HER from continuing to inflict a reign of terror on these unfortunate creatures. I demand justice for Lamby!