
Your weekly horoscopes say everyone’s feeling particularly rebellious this week

Here’s what to expect

There's something about these final dog days of August that bring with them an energizing, revitalizing feel. Fall is on the way, which means it's almost time to cuff up or miss out.

With Lilith in Capricorn, you'll be ready to make the first move this week. Good luck.


It’s finally time to relax for you Aries, as the planets are on your side. Interpersonal relationships will go well for you as the Moon trines Venus and Jupiter. The Mars retrograde in Capricorn will allow for the structure in your life to relax and and have a few welcome changes. With the Mercury retrograde coming to an end this week, meaning there will no longer be any unwelcome surprises for a while. However, with Lilith in Capricorn, you may feel like you want to express yourself more in the love department. This week: enjoy where you're at in life.


A Taurus loves to feel in control, and with the Mars retrograde now entering Capricorn, your daily routines and structure will be thrown off. Venus will square with Mercury once it leaves retrograde, which means a long awaited romance could get some closure. With Jupiter trine Neptune, your imagination and anxiety will be put at ease for a while. This week: Go with the flow, and it may benefit you greatly.


You’re going to feel very active this week, Gemini, and you need to channel it in a productive way. Your ruling planet of Mercury will be leaving retrograde and will still be in Leo, which indicated you'll have the energy to take charge and have passion in a project you feel strongly about.

With the Moon trine Venus and Jupiter, you may want to take some time to focus on a loved one and do something kind. This week: be selfless.


You have been holding something in for a while, and with Mercury leaving retrograde, it may be the perfect time to get some things off of your chest. With Venus in Libra and the Moon trine Libra, you may want to express yourself in a relationship you feel strongly about. With the Moon now entering Virgo, you will have the urge to get things straight with loved ones. This week: be open about your feelings.


The end of Leo season is just around the corner, so it’s time to take advantage of that energy before it’s gone. Mercury will still be in Leo once it’s out of retrograde, so what better timing to live it up? Mars will be entering Capricorn, but will square Uranus, so expect surprises. Whether these surprises turn out to be good or bad is up to you. Use that Leo season energy to shine bright and be the master of any situation. This week: don’t back down from a challenge.


Things are about to get complicated for you, Virgo, as Mercury, Mars and Uranus have it out for you. Uranus and Mercury will reveal something shocking for you and the Mars retrograde in Capricorn will shake up your structure — something Virgos despise. However, with the Virgo moon, you will have some clarity to deal with the things coming your way. Those around you may be a bit out of control, but you will be able to deal with it. This week: organization is key.


You may feel a bit out of sync with someone you have been trying to connect with. With Venus in Libra, your need for interpersonal harmonization is heightened. The Mars retrograde in Capricorn will finally remove your commitment to something that has been bugging you the past few weeks. Harmony is on the way as Mercury finally leaves retrograde, and communication will begin to come in more clearly. This week: have inner peace, and it will manifest around you.


Been a bit overextended lately Scorpio? The Mercury retrograde has had you making commitments left and right, and Jupiter in Scorpio has had you working on multiple projects at once. Don’t worry, the Mars retrograde in Capricorn will allow you to power-through and finish those up by the end of summer. Jupiter and Neptune will allow you to focus on new projects, but these will be long term ones that focus on dreams and self realizations. This week: work hard toward self growth.


The Mars retrograde in Capricorn will benefit you more than it will the other zodiac signs. Sagittarians hate being tied down, and this retrograde will help free up your time and worries. Been waiting for something for a while? It's finally on the way with Jupiter in Scorpio, and Mercury freeing up communication with the end of its retrograde. This week: get through the work week, and then do something you’ve been dying to do on the weekend.


While the Mars retrograde is good news to others, it could spell disaster for a capricorn, as the retrograde sets up shop in your sign. You’re going to feel a bit off balance this week and maybe even slightly rebellious, especially with Lilith in Capricorn. Saturn squaring Uranus will aid this, and you will have a bug for adventure and putting off some responsibilities. This doesn’t need to be a bad thing. This week: do something you normally wouldn’t. It could be good for you.


Saturn will square Uranus, and that will leave you at the edge of your seat. Aquarians love adventure, and this may be the exact time to go on one. Summer is almost over and you will want to capitalize on the fleeting time. Don’t get too carried away, however. Lilith in Capricorn will have you pushing others to do things you want to do, even if they don’t. This week: go on an adventure, but realize you can find adventure in the simplest things.


Your emotions and imagination will be heightened this week, Pisces. Mercury is leaving retrograde, and the Mars retrograde is in rigid Capricorn. You are going to feel very social this week and will want to enjoy the company of as many people as possible. Venus in Libra will have you wanting to bond with the company you keep, and this is a great thing. Pisces thrive in emotionally positive environments. This week: throw a party and make some great memories.