
Your worst fear confirmed: False negative pregnancy tests happen a lot — just ask this woman

Good luck going near a penis after you hear this wild story

We’ve all been there. Your period is exactly 13 minutes late, so naturally the only logical explanation is that you're pregnant. With twins. It doesn’t matter if you’re on three different forms of birth control AND used a condom AND asked him to pull out. Even the tiniest chance that a particularly robust sperm wiggled its way into your uterus is utterly terrifying.

Good thing pregnancy tests exist, right? You pee on a stick, see the little negative sign pop up, and breathe a deep sigh of relief and text your boyfriend to inform him that you can go back to calling him daddy without suffering a minor anxiety attack.

However, I regret to inform you that pregnancy tests are some lying motherfuckers. Reddit user imsorryneighbour revealed she took not one, not two, but three! separate! pregnancy! tests! over the course of six months. One was even administered by a doctor. All of them told her she wasn’t pregnant.

And they all turned out to be LIARS, because eight months later she gave birth to a human child.

This might seem utterly insane to you but according to the Mayo Clinic, it’s not uncommon for pregnant people to get negative results. In fact, a false-negative is “much more likely to occur” than a false-positive. The UK National Health Service explains that negative test results are less reliable because there might not be enough of HCG (pregnancy hormone) in your body to show up on the test, especially if you do the test too early or use diluted urine.

If this isn’t horrifying enough for you, then this next part will really make it hard for you to go near a penis ever again:

When asked about how she finally found out she was pregnant, she said, “We were in bed just chilling and I noticed what looked like a foot coming out of my belly.”

Brb ripping my uterus out of my body with my bare hands!!