
Part-time earth angel Lana Del Rey just destroyed Kanye West’s insane rant on Instagram

Kanye Who?

From the very beginning of his career, Kanye West has been an unapologetically ignorant and wildly self-obsessed individual. Up until recently, however, his erratic antics were mostly viewed in a positive light.

His interruption of Taylor Swift's acceptance speech was lauded as a moment of bravery. His long-winded, egotistical, and frankly banal mid-concert rants have been celebrated as profound, inspirational, even life-changing. And his frequent displays of narcissism (like when he calls himself "the greatest artist of all time") and ignorance (like when he falsely claimed that Chicago is the "murder capital of the world") have largely gone uncriticized.

Finally, however, people are starting to realize that Kanye's bizarre little moments of ignorance and narcissism aren't cute and signs that he's a "free thinker," but actually pretty problematic and indications that he needs some serious help.

Earlier this year, he argued that slavery was a choice — something that even his hardcore fans will find a little difficult to defend. He is also an outspoken Trump supporter, going so far as to call him "my brother" and saying that the two share "dragon energy."

In a recent Instagram post, Kanye posted a photo of himself wearing a Make America Great Again hat. "This represents good and America becoming whole again," he wrote in the caption. "We will no longer outsource to other countries. We will build factories here in America and create jobs. We will provide jobs for all those who are free from prisons as we abolish the 13th amendment. Message sent with love."

There are so many problems with this Instagram post that I can't even begin to type out a response. Aside from the obviously eye roll-worthy claim that Trump is making America "become whole again," there's also the part where he calls for the abolition of the 13th Amendment. You know, the amendment that outlawed slavery??

Later, Kanye tried to clarify this puzzling statement by claiming that "the 13th Amendment is slavery in disguise." He also tweeted, "We are the solution that heals," which is a string of words that sounds nice when put together, but makes absolutely no sense in this context (or any).

Fortunately for us, our hero Lana Del Rey has swooped in and done what someone should've done years ago when Kanye first started wilding out.

"Trump becoming our president was a loss for the country but your support of him is a loss for the culture," our queen commented. "I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level. Delusions of Grandeur, extreme issues with narcissism – none of which would be a talking point if we weren't speaking about the man leading our country. If you think it's alright to support someone who believes it's OK to grab a woman by the pussy just because he's famous-then you need an intervention as much as he does-something so many narcissists will never get becuase there just isn't enough help for the issue. Message sent with concern that will never be addressed."

FINALLY someone said it!! Finally someone told him the truth — that he's a goddamn lunatic living in an alternate reality where the entire universe revolves around him. Sheeple, wake up! Stop sucking Kanye's dick for one hot second and realize that your idol actually ain't shit.

On this blessed day, let us offer unending praise and gratitude to our benevolent goddess Lana for doing the Lord's work and ending Kanye's career once and for all. Amen.