
Don’t freak out but there’s a way to always find out if he actually likes you

Where was this three years ago????

On my wedding day, I know I’m going to be standing at the altar and pressing my husband-to-be about if he’s sure he’s in love with me — which is different from loving me, you know?! And then when I’m asked if I take him to be my lawful wedded husband, I’ll be asking the groupchat if saying yes is desperate and how long I should wait to reply to not seem over eager.

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But you know how you don’t always like to hit your groupchat with your 6,000 questions about crushes because you’re afraid they’re sick of hearing about it or you don’t want them to know who you actually like? Join our paid community to get advice from babe editors in NYC and other members on every single problem you could have.

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I’m 25 years old and still routinely wonder what I did to so clearly make my boyfriend hate me when he ends his texts with a period and doesn’t even include any emojis. But now instead of blowing him up with a hundreds messages about it, I can go talk to my girls — hundreds of them, who know exactly what to do. And they always use emojis.

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