
Thousands of incest and pedophilia erotica videos are uploaded to YouTube disguised as short stories to learn English

The disturbing videos were uploaded at the same time by multiple users

Despite YouTube's policies barring sexually explicit content, there is a considerable amount of incest and pedophilia erotica on the site that has managed to escape scrutiny by masquerading as short stories. On Saturday, a 4chan user discovered that when you search "short stories" on YouTube, what you end up finding instead are a number of videos uploaded by several different users that tell sexually explicit stories, many of which contain graphic references to incest and pedophilia.

The videos are uploaded by many different users, but they all follow a similar template that consists of scrolling text against a stock photo background with instrumental music playing. The videos are usually titled something vague and seemingly innocuous like "Read Short Stories 52" or "TTGBLOG 27." Some are even labeled as educational resources for learning English.

Despite their innocuous titles, many of these videos actually contain extremely graphic erotic stories about incest and pedophilia. For example, a video uploaded by Ян Захожая titled "TTGBLOG 27" tells a vivid story of a father and daughter having sex.

Another video uploaded by the user Ян Захожая titled "TTGBLOG 28" tells a similar story of a sexual encounter between a father and daughter, with lines like this: "I looked down on my eldest daughter and didn't see her as that any more. I saw her as a woman who wanted me." And yet another video titled "TTGBLOG 02" tells a story of a 21-year-old man having sex with his grandmother, with lines such as this: "Grandma whimpered as her hot mouth engulfed my throbbing dick."

However, Ян Захожая is far from the other YouTube user who is uploading these videos. Douglas Barrios is a user who has uploaded nearly 250 videos, most of which appear to be incest erotica. For example, a video titled "Read Short Stories 52" tells a story of an 18-year-old man who has sex with his mother. It starts with his mother accidentally walking in on him while he's masturbating, and then quickly escalates into a bizarre sexual story where they shave each other's pubic hair and he ejaculates on her breasts.

Another video uploaded by Douglas Barrios titled "Read Short Stories 123" tells a story of a mother and son having sex, culminating in this line: "My own mother milked me for all I was worth." And yet another video titled "Read Short Stories 72" tells a similar erotic story between a mother and son.

Aside from incest, many of the videos also include references to pedophilia. A video titled "Learn English through story: Down on the Farm Part 1" tells an erotic story about a thirteen-year-old-boy named Ed and a twelve-year-old girl named Becky.

In "TTGBLOG 28," the daughter's age is not explicitly described but the father describes her as "very mature for her age" with "growing breasts," which seem to suggest that she is a minor. And in "Read Short Stories 52," the 18-year-old man in the story gets his pubic hair shaved erotically by his mother and muses about how pre-pubescent he looks. "I was very smooth down there," the narrator says. "It looked like I had never hit puberty. I kinda liked the look. It made me look very young."

It appears that most of these erotic stories were not written by the original uploader. Some of these erotic stories, such as the one contained in a video titled "Milwaukee Cuckold's and Their Trip to Vegas," come from XHamster. The story written in this particular video can be found word-for-word on the site, which contains a database of free sex stories. In fact, almost all of the videos uploaded by this particular user, Enny C. Maday, appear to depict stories that were lifted from XHamster.

Other users, including Douglas Barrios, also seem to source their stories from erotic literature sites. For example, Douglas Barrios's "Read Short Stories 52" was copied word-for-word from XHamster's story titled "Mom and little incident." And another video titled "Read Short Stories 48," which has since been deleted, was pulled from a story titled "My Biker Momma" on

While it's disturbing enough that stories about incest and pedophilia are able to slip under YouTube's radar by masquerading as "short stories," there are even more bizarre elements to this phenomenon. The YouTube users who upload these videos often upload hundreds of them at a time, and they all seem to have been uploaded at exactly the same time. For example, Enny C. Maday's YouTube profile reveals hundreds of similar videos following the same template which were all uploaded 8 months ago.

Similarly, Douglas Barrios's YouTube profile also reveals hundreds of videos that were uploaded seemingly at the same time 6 months ago. Douglas Barrios has uploaded around 250 videos, all titled "Read Short Stories" followed by a number. They all follow the exact same format, with scrolling yellow text against a blue background. However, some of the same videos were uploaded multiple times. For example, "Read Short Stories 22" was uploaded more than three separate times.

This bizarre uploading behavior seems to suggest that these videos were not uploaded by real-life humans, but rather mass-produced by bots. This could possibly explain why hundreds of near-identical videos were uploaded at seemingly the same exact time.

This is the same behavior that seems to be behind ElsaGate, another peculiar YouTube phenomenon where hundreds of seemingly innocent videos depict Disney characters behaving strangely, or being thrust in violent or sexual situations. Author James Bridle speculated that "someone or something or some combination of people and things" is using YouTube to create disturbing content "automatically and at scale." He wrote that these bizarre videos are "clearly automated," with stock animations, audio tracks, and keywords automatically assembled to produce hundreds of videos.

Something very similar seems to be going on here. It appears that multiple bots are scraping free incest and pedophilia erotica from sites such as XHamster and, assembling them with stock images and audio tracks, and automatically uploading them en masse on YouTube under the name "short stories."

We will update this story as it progresses. If you have any tips or leads, send them to