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Your weekly horoscopes are here, and they’re a little bit terrifying
Just a nightmare dressed like a daydream
Halloween this week give us a chance to view things at more than just face value. We’ll be given the opportunity to make judgments on what’s below the surface, opening us up to conversations, opportunities and people we wouldn’t usually come into contact with. Before committing to future plans, make sure these are people you actually want to spend time with, and not just when you’re buzzed.
If you’ve been waiting to have a serious convo with someone, today is the day for that to unfold. There’s been some uncertainty lingering in the air, and honestly, the more you can get off of your chest, the better. Stress causes wrinkles.
These confrontations will ask you to exercise some patience, especially if your conversation involves finances. But if you can’t find an agreement to settle on, store it on a shelf and return to it later when you’ve both had some time on your own.
This week, it might be better to stick to house parties and avoid clubbing altogether. There's a lot going on, and you’re overwhelmed right now. On top of that, this week you’ll be connecting with people you typically wouldn’t, and new personalities are always a lot to manage.
Just make sure to judge people off their personality, and not the costume they're presenting to you, since it’ll be hard to tell the difference. Here come the change you’ve been asking for.
Shirim by Melody’s Echo Chamber
Sorry if you got put in charge of making all of the plans, Gemini, but your crew assumes you know where the fun is. Don’t be afraid to give up responsibility if you think it’s going to stress you out this week — your friends will understand. Remember: you come first. Plus, when you give up control, you open up the opportunity to be surprised! You won’t be able to stop yourself from dreaming up alternatives that could be more enjoyable. Just go with it and see where life takes you.
Do you feel the fire, Cancer? It’s a sign to get your ass moving and take action. You already know you have a huge list of to-dos to attend to, you just haven’t been “feeling it” lately.
This is the week to stop giving yourself excuses — here’s your push. Would you rather keep procrastinating or regret doing nothing? If it’s something you’ve put a lot of thought into and it feels right in your heart, go for it. You’re only creating more anxiety and stress by waiting.
Still by Dominic Pierce // Felivand
It’s not too late to reinvent yourself, Leo. Halloween week is the perfect time to try out a new persona. You’ll be feeling a ton of playful energy with Mercury entering Sagittarius anyway — there’s no excuse to put up with feeling stale. Thankfully, you’ve always had an intuition about things happening before they actually do. Even if you feel as though the spotlight is on, rest easy knowing no one works better under pressure than you.
Babe You’re A Haunted House by Gerard Way
The way to best enjoy this spooky holiday is by celebrating it with a bit of a slower pace. Ideally, this looks like celebrating at home with close friends, drinking wine, dancing around a fire, and throwing your troubles (journals, old t-shirts from exes, anxieties) into the flames. If you must go out, keep it low-key as possible. Don’t let your friends pressure you into doing something you don’t really want to. Stick to your own speed.
Slow Down by Normani // Calvin Harris
There’s a lot of energy brewing around you that has you feeling kind of funky, so it may be hard to recognize yourself in the mirror some days. There’s not much you can do to stop it per-se, but you can definitely channel it. Use it on a physically and mentally-stimulating activity this week, instead of sitting there and letting it eat away at you. If you don’t feel like moving, at least put on some music and let it sway your soul. You’ll be feeling way too antsy to just sit and stir.
Some boring (but very real-life) advice that’ll prove beneficial: invest in your future starting this week. It’s time to start looking out for future-you, and start making decisions that’ll make your life easier in the long-run. Whether you’re investing time learning a skill that'll be useful to you, or something else, opt for choices that keep the coming months in mind. You’ll be glad you did when they suddenly sneak up on you.
Hopefully you were able to get some much-needed rest last week, because this week you still feeling like shutting the blinds and slipping away into the abyss. You’re going to have to prioritize your schedule and trim some of the social weight that’s keeping you bogged-down. Have a think about who you’re devoting the majority of your time to. Is it fulfilling you, or draining you? Rearrange your schedule based on what you discover, and look out for your own wellbeing.
Wake Up by Petit Biscuit // Bipolar Sunshine // Cautious Clay
You’re flowing and feeling festive as fall is in full-swing! The seasonal air has you feeling more honed-in on nurturing aspects, and you’re drawn to strong feminine energies and the beauty of nature. Set a date with a friend to go to a park and drink wine, or look up at the clouds on a blanket in the grass. You don’t always need a lover to have fun. Maybe even go for a hike. As long as you are actively working to surround yourself with positive energy, it'll stay right with you.
Feel Like I Do by Disclosure // Al Green
Don’t go joining any sites that let your peers leave you anonymous comments this week — your ego simply cannot handle it. Comments and criticism from others will hit you harder than usual, as you’re feeling hella on edge. Is there something you’re insecure about? It’ll be difficult for you to see things from an objective viewpoint for a while. I know it’s hard but try not to take things too personally. It’s not about you.
Across The Room by ODESZA // Leon Bridges
You’d benefit from some professional guidance this week (therapy, perhaps?). You’re always serving others, but who can you go to when you’re in need? Old thought-patterns and conditionings keep coming up and taking over, and you feel as though you can’t help it. You may even think, “It’s just the way my brain is wired, I’m stuck this way.” Not true! Know you’re not stuck and can always make some kind of change, you may just need the help of someone who knows what they’re doing. You have to believe in you.