
??Send this to?of your raunchiest??registered??ratchets??or say BOY?BYE to the??Dicklaration???of Independence✍️

Oh so she's a VOTER voter!

The celebs have posted their front-camera pleas. The candidates have presented their platforms. The sticker rolls are at the ready. But if nothing convinces you to go out in the rain and cast a vote in today's midterm elections, let it be the threat of being an election ass-eater:

Calling all my democracy??loving dick suckers?????TODAY IS THE DAY ?? it's ⬆️ERECTION⬆️ day?????‍♂️and we finna pop??this political??pussy??and RIDE?this vote raw???? shoutout???to all my constitutional?C*NTS????????who ready for that NEW?NEW??send this to?of your raunchiest??registered??ratchets??or say BOY?BYE to the??dicklaration???of independence✍️if you get??ZERO??back you an?⚖️election ass??eater?if you get?FIVE?back, u castin big booty??ballots, && if you get?TEN?back ????we ALL gettin that ELECTION??DAY??DICK ⚖️?????

Scared? Here's how to same-day register and vote.