
OK, this is the ideal Tinder first date outfit and makeup look, trust me on this one!

What to wear, how to stunt, where to do it

It's what's on the inside that counts! Is what I would say if I loved lying to you! Yes, the inside things count but they sure look better if they're packaged nicely. I mean, you're not buying the bruised bananas from Trader Joe's, right?! I guess what I'm trying to say is on dates, especially Tinder dates, we've gotta make you as a-peel-ing as possible. Just a bit of banana humor for you.

So you've set up your Tinder date, you're excited about the possibilities that could unfold, and you want to be looking good. But do you know? Do you really know? Do you know the ideal outfit to wear, the perfect makeup, what to pack in your bag and how to pick the best date spot???

I do 0:-) And I'm talking all about it on today's episode of our BABE MASTERCLASS podcast. Click here or text HEYGIRLS to 555888 and I'll hook you up. Or maybe we'll argue about it on Twitter! We're limitless, baby.